Access Keys:

St Joseph's PS, Madden, Co Armagh


Madden Public Elementary School was opened in approximately 1895. There were two classrooms heated by an open fire. The school enrolement was approximately 50-60 pupils. The day started at 9:30 until 3:30 with 15 minutes break at 11:00 and half an hour at 1:00 for lunch.

Children stayed at school until they were 14 or 15 years old and then, if deemed academically fit or so desired, transferred to either the Christian Brothers School or to the Technical College both in Armagh, or the De La Salle or Saint Clare's School in Keady.

The playing fields were better known as the road between the school and the chapel wall. There were no inside toilets, in fact the only toilet available was a bucket outside. 

After the school day was over the tables and chairs were cleared away as the school was also the local dance hall.

School Entrance