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St Joseph's PS, Madden, Co Armagh

Mr Loughran's update

23rd Apr 2020

Hello Everyone,

Through our remote monitoring it’s great to see all of our children are working away again and also equally importantly, managing to strike a good balance between work and play at home.

It’s great to see the amount of reading quizzes being taken even over the Easter period for those ‘book worms’ out there who couldn’t put a book down! Everyone is working well towards their target and the programme is set to conclude at the end of June, either in or out of school. I’m extremely confident that everyone will reach their individually set target but please remember, reaching a target is a bonus, simply reading at all in these times is much more important and no one is expecting any more than that!

Equally the usage of Sumdog maths has been excellent as well with children progressing through the mathematical learning at their own pace, which is also very important.

I hope that everyone is enjoying my weekly challenge and well done to our winners so far. The response times have been amazingly fast. The average score of Parents was 5, I won’t embarrass the teachers!!! Next week’s challenge will be uploaded on Monday Night.

Finally if you are having any schooling issues technical or otherwise, please contact us so that we can be of help.

Take care and keep confident that our outlook in this part of the world is improving with each passing day!
