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St Joseph's PS, Madden, Co Armagh

Term 2 Accelerated Reader Begins

25th Jan 2025

Thank you to our school council members from primary five, six and seven who were busy today adding books to our accelerated reading library. The pupils worked with Miss Smith our Literacy Coordinator to ensure books were banded correctly for others to enjoy. Thank you boys and Girls!! Also a massive thank you to those who donated books to our school library.

The Accelerated Reading Programme for Primary 3-7's commenced on 13th January. The link below will connect you to the website for AR. Your child can enter the same login username and password as previous years.
E.g. username: msmith123
Password: password

The above link will also give you access to a special feature called Home Connect. Home Connect allows you to view information about your child's progress. It also allows you to sign up to receive email notifications after a pupil completes an activity or assessment at school.

The duration of the programme for term two is 6 weeks. Children are encouraged to read books and complete quizzes within their ZPD as independently as they can. The class teacher provided each pupil with their individual book level today.

This link is connected to the AR bookfinder. This will enable you to search for books that are on the system in our school.