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St Joseph's PS, Madden, Co Armagh

News - New School Build

2011/2012 School Year

6th Jun 2012
Thursday 31st May proved to be one of the most poignant and exciting days in the...
23rd May 2012
As the official opening of the new St. Joseph's PS fast approaches, finishing touches...
21st May 2012
On Monday 21st May, pupils arrived to school greeted by the news that the 3g football...
5th Apr 2012
With the official opening of the school fast approaching we were all delighted to...
9th Dec 2011
On Wednesday 7th December staff and pupils at St. Joseph's finally took receipt...
4th Dec 2011
  Parents and community members are reminded that our school open night will...
11th Nov 2011
  Construction of our new school continues. The photographs below illustrate...
28th Oct 2011
As the handover date fast approaches, progress continues to be made to the new school....
3rd Oct 2011
We are just over 8 weeks away from the handover of our new build and as you can...
23rd Sep 2011
Efforts continue on completing the interior plastering, electrical and plumbing...